Mount Aloysius College

7373, Cresson, Cambria County | Founded: 1853 | Private, College | School ID: 000404 | Visit University

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Mount Aloysius College


Mount Aloysius College is a private liberal arts college, located in Cresson, Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1853. The campus is situated on more than 300 acres of land in the beautiful Allegheny Mountains.

Mount Aloysius College has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,678 students making it one of the smaller colleges. The student body also comprises international students from more than 25 countries, making it a diverse and inclusive campus.

Mount Aloysius College offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs. The undergraduate programs include majors in Nursing, Business Administration, Education, Criminal Justice, and Humanities, among others. The graduate programs include a Master's in Nursing, Masters in Business Administration, and a Master’s in Education. The college has a strong emphasis on the liberal arts and on providing students with a well-rounded education. The college encourages students to take courses from a variety of disciplines in order to gain a broader perspective. The college is known for its strong sense of community and for the close relationships that students form with their peers and with faculty members. The college has a variety of student clubs and organisations, including clubs for academic majors, clubs for special interests, and clubs for service and volunteering. Overall, Mount Aloysius College is an excellent choice for students looking for a small, close-knit community with a strong sense of tradition and a focus on personal growth and development.


7373, Cresson, Cambria County


Descriptions Subtotal
Avg Cost of Tuition/Year USS 25,398
Cost of Living/Year USS 12,806
*Application Fee USS 0 - USS 30
*Charged once per application
Estimated Total/Year USS 38,204
